Official opening of Petrochemistry Plant in Adana
Live Product Launch | Istanbul & Adana | Feb-March-April 2020
The 3 phased opening of Ceyhan Petrochemical Industrial Zone (dubbed Turkey’s Energy Base) which took place in Adana and Istanbul, in a span of 1.5 months, with the attendance of Turkish Ministers.
An immensely quick turnaround & Production period for each event was required with the fast-moving changes mandated by the government officials. The scope of the brief included announcement design & tracking, production, design of staging and venue, RSVP management, flight bookings, accommodation, transfers, VIP services and of course all security measurements required with such high-level events. Especially during the first opening in Adana, a re-production of all staging material (which were originally produced in and brought from our usual vendors in Istanbul) was required in Adana – a large yet not so technically advanced city. Overnight everything was prepared from scratch, a show of the dedication of our team.
The strategic and grand-scale importance of this project for Turkey as a nation was always felt by our team and we aimed to make our country and client proud. The government officials, including Ministers, as well as the top press, invited from Turkey and abroad attended an event which was felt very smooth and advanced.